Eco-friendly ways to keep your home cool during a heatwave

Trying to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home during a heatwave can be tricky, particularly if you're eco-conscious.  Here are a few ways to stay cool when the temperatures rise, without harming the planet. Invest in solar panels Keeping your HVAC system on full-blast during a heatwave can dramatically increase your household's energy consumption.  However, there's no denying how effective these systems are at creating a comfortable, cool living environment. Read More 

Simple Troubleshooting Tips for Your Home’s Air Conditioner

Your home's air conditioner should probably run for many years before it suffers a major breakdown, but when you do notice any problem, you might take a few minutes to try to troubleshoot this yourself before calling a contractor. Some problems with air conditioners are very simple and can be addressed by a homeowner, and some may not even be the fault of the air conditioner itself. Note a few of those here so you can know what to do when your home's air conditioner acts up. Read More 

Top Tips for Reducing Your Boarding Kennel Odour

One of the most difficult things to manage in the day to day running of any boarding kennel is odour. From urine to food, dogs tend to bring a lot of unpleasant odours with them. The more dogs you care for, the worse the smell can get. It's important to keep odours low for a number of reasons. Firstly, strong smells can put off dog owners who are checking out your facility; prospective customers will see a smelly environment as one that's poorly run and dirty. Read More 

Why You Should Not Close Some AC Vents in Your Home

Some homeowners try to reduce their air conditioning expenses by closing the air vents in the parts of the house that aren't being used regularly, such as the guest rooms. However, such a habit may actually cause you to incur higher HVAC costs. This article discusses some of the reasons why your air conditioning costs may actually go up in case you close the air vents in the rooms that aren't currently occupied. Read More