How Do Ducted Reverse Cycle Systems Work?

Ducted air conditioning systems are known to operate by channeling cool air into various rooms of the home through a series of air ducts and vents. But what does "ducted reverse cycle air conditioning" mean? The reverse cycle actually denotes ability for the system to exchange warm and cool air during its operation. This means that the unit becomes an all-in-one heating solution when it's cold outside, and cooling solution during the summer. Read More 

Home Air Conditioning Doesn’t Necessarily Mean You Should Cringe At Your Monthly Electricity Bills

The days when air conditioning was a luxury service reserved only for the privileged few are now gone. These days, almost every homeowner has an air conditioner installed in their home to provide cooling service when extreme summer heat sets in, making indoor temperatures uncomfortable. Unfortunately, air conditioners can be costly to operate, as they use electricity. With the right information, however, you can keep your air conditioning bills down. Read More 

What you Should Know about an Evaporative Ducted System for Your DIY Shop

If you are into DIY projects, construction or otherwise, then you probably have a work shed or other similar space. These spaces can be a breeding ground for allergens, particles that cause throat irritation, and moisture. One way that you can combat all of these issues is by using an evaporative ducted system in the space. Here are some things you should know about this type of system before buying. Read More 

Three Simple Steps for Maintaining your Air Conditioner Unit

During the summer months, your air conditioner is running overtime and all that stress can lead to problems for your unit. If you suspect that your air conditioner is not operating optimally, try running through the following steps to ensure that you are not placing unnecessary stress on your system. Check and Replace Your Filter Within your home, you will find a filter leading to the air conditioning duct. Remove and inspect the filter for dirt or any other blockages. Read More 

Using Air Conditioning to Combat Sick Building Syndrome

Maintaining the right temperature in your workplace doesn't just keep workers happy. It also increases their productivity too. In a study conducted at Cornell University by Dr. Alan Hedge, researchers found that employees operating in environment that were too cold or hot reduced their typing output by 46 percent. In recent years, medical professionals have acknowledged that workers can experience a condition called 'sick building syndrome', which causes them to experience generalised feelings of ill health as a result of the time they spend at work. Read More